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Hi! I'm Sarah, and I turned my last £40 into a multi-seven-figure global business - AND more importantly, MY version of Success. Now I'm going to show you how! At Sarah Hurley Academy, our aim is to help you grow your business, create your own version of success and empower you to be the best version of yourself.


If you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and stuck, you don't know what to prioritise, how to grow and the next step to take - let me help! If you're tired of online courses and resources being all fluff and no stuff  (me too...!) This is different! Whatever stage you're at, whether you have an established business, are just thinking of starting to make your side hustle the main thing, you're looking to land your dream job or going for that promotion - we're here to help. Turn your ideas into success with exclusive resources, solid advice and a big dose of motivation, we'll be with you every step of the way as you get there. 


I've been there (as have the amazing advisors working alongside me!) the struggles, the highs and lows, the troubles and triumphs. Now I'm taking what I've learned along the way and turning it into the honest and straightforward advice and resources you need. With online courses, events (online to start with, but hopefully we can bring back live events soon!) advice and guidance, Q&A's, group sessions and of course a big helping of tough love and accountability - you'll have everything you need to grow, scale, change or maybe even just stop and enjoy! All of this within an exclusive community of high achieving and down to earth peers. There will be no platitudes, no pie in the sky, just relatable advice mixed with lots of inspiration.


Our programme works best for product based entrepreneurs and career minded people though there will be lots of relatable information if you're service based. The great thing is, this isn't JUST for entrepreneurs. All too often those that support entrepreneurs and work in small businesses are overlooked and that is a MISTAKE! Every entrepreneur needs a great number two, a dynamic team and people who also want success (they just aren't up for the burden of the whole thing, I get it!) and this course covers them too. So if you're up for a dream career - welcome! or if  you're an entrepreneur with an amazing team member you want to develop - get them signed up with you!




There are LOADS of business courses and coaches out there, right? So why listen to me?


Firstly, I believe you should only take business advice from someone you know, like and trust. They should also be someone you relate to, who's teaching and communicating style you like and most importantly, someone who has actually DONE the thing that you want to DO - otherwise how can they show you?

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